Our Commitment to our Clients

Our Mission and Values

Our mission

Omahanui Special Care Unit is committed to the provision of quality care and service, with an emphasis on maintaining a strong sense of dignity and independence for our Clients who have a variety of physical challenges and injuries.

We believe that our care and service must be delivered with compassion, professionalism, and empathy, and at the same time, guided by the practice of quality assurance.

Omahanui Special Care Unit is committed to honouring the concepts of participation, consultation, and partnership as expressed within the Treaty of Waitangi. We will ensure that we meet our obligations in understanding and implementing the cultural needs of all Clients.

The Health and Disability Commission’s Code of Consumer Rights will also guide us in best practice within the Unit. The process of informed consent will also be adhered to so that all our Clients’ personal wishes are respected and they are treated with dignity.

Our values

We will always treat the people in our service with respect, compassion and kindness. We will do everything possible to maintain their dignity and to acknowledge each person as the very special individual that they be.

As coaches, we will value and support one another and acknowledge that the work we do is very important to many people, and feel proud of what we are able to achieve.

We will strive to improve our standards as we are working in a very Special Place for Very Special People.